Made another board book. This one was pretty good. Took it to a copy shop and asked if they had a girt big guillotine (see log 2023-10-16). They did and they trimmed it real nice. I now have one nice example of the book and that in itself feels like a victory. Now I need to work on replicating that process for an edition.
Got a rejection for a short story submission. This generally doesn’t bother me. It’s part of the process and I’d rather be amassing rejections than not putting work out there.
Got word that the cyanotype wood book got accepted into the exhibition. Details to follow.
Drafted notes for a workshop I’m attending tomorrow. Quietly excited about this, but staying cool as a cucumber.
Did another draft of story. Have not shown it to #1 reader yet. Think it needs another pass.
Watched Ellen Lupton’s speech at the St Bride Foundation. Her Working With Type book was much pored over by younger Tom. Haven’t looked at it in a while. There’s a new edition coming out next year, updated to include new technologies and whatnot. Interesting to hear how the terms widows and orphans are now considered… not offensive, exactly, but passé. A similar thing happened in music technology, where someone pointed out calling things ‘master’ and ‘slave’ wasn’t cool. Language evolves. I do like a bit of jargon, though - the more obtuse the better. Typography’s good for that and I hope it doesn’t all die out.