Tom Alexander

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Context is Everything

Video, 2min, 2024


A proposed financial awareness app that gives you insight into your spending.


I submitted a proposal for the 2024 Future of Money Design Awards about an idea that had been knocking around my head for some time. It’s an app called Context that would sit on top the contactless payment systems we all use every day, providing insights into where we spend our money. On a basic level this could include things like how the company treats its employees, its environmental record or whether they avoid tax. It would also make more philosophical comparisons about how that money might be used elsewhere in society or what it would mean to someone else in different economic circumstances.

The proposal was shortlisted and I was given a small budget to make it into a film. My initial idea was basically to read out the proposal with some demonstrative graphics, but my absolute horror at hearing my own voice recorded meant I went a different route. The final version uses stock footage and a mock up of the app and shows it at work. Nothing fancy, but gets the point across.

I attended an event at the Museum of London and was pleasantly surprised to be awarded first prize in a poll taken among the financial poobahs in attendance, meaning I got this nice shiny thing to put on my mantelpiece.

Details of the competition can be found at and the whole thing was sponsored by MoneyHub.